8815 Britannia Road, Milton, Ontario, L9T 7E7
Our values help shape our mission to love everyone in Milton in the name of Jesus Christ. Click the photo above to find out more about the values that are central to who we are and how we live.
Our beliefs are shared with millions of Christians around the world and the Apostles Creed provides a rich summary of what they are. Click the photo above to read the Apostles Creed, one of the oldest and most widely used summaries of the Christian faith.
Our small church has many big hearts. Our volunteers, teachers, leaders, and community partners all play a big role in shaping and encouraging everyone in our church and in our town . Find out more about a few of us by clicking the above photo.
Christ in the City or ‘Cristo en La Ciudad’ is a Spanish ministry of Crosstowne Church. Pastor Jose Luna leads worship in Spanish every Sunday at 12pm at 8815 Britannia Road. Everyone is welcome!
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